7 Ocak 2020 Salı



 Any procedures are necessary for the students in the education process. There are responsibilities for the teacher and the student in the class, but since the teacher is a role model in the classroom, classroom management is successfully achieved within the rules and limits set by the teacher. When it comes to classroom management, the first thing that comes to mind is strict and overly prescriptive teachers, but classroom management may be totally out of this perception. What the teacher expects from his students has a major role in the formation of classroom management. The classroom management of the teacher who assumes that his/her students are individuals and the classroom management of the teacher who determines his/her duties to his/her students as teaching only is very different. For this reason, I would be a teacher in my class who could explain the his or herself easily, had self-esteem and aimed at success and being a good person. in order to achieve these, I must definitely know what kind of educational background students have, how my students ship to personalities, what I expect from them and what they expect from me. When I have this information, it will be much easier to determine the class management that I will implement in the class. First of all, I am responsible for providing a healthy and peaceful educational environment for my students. Secondly, I have to decide the methods of reward and punishment that will help my students distinguish between right and wrong and help them choose the right behaviour.

    First of all, I have to decide what to do in the classroom. I have a certain red line, and my students can easily guess how I'm going to react on a topic. Therefore, I have to decide which class management style I should choose before meeting my students. Although I have certain lines as a teacher, my relationship with my students should always be good, and I will be encouraging  to my students in their lessons and life. I would be a good role model for them because teachers are like mirrors for students. Therefore, the style I will use in classroom management is the authoritative teacher style. Some rules in the classroom are also related to this style. For example, the class must have some class rules. Some of them are to come to class on time, to do the tasks and tasks to be done before coming to class, to respect the teacher and friends, not to disturb anyone in the classroom. These are some of the most important rules for not affecting peace and productivity in the classroom. Another important aspect is behavior management. We need to identify some strategies to positively orient students' behavior within the classroom. Some of them may be exemplary to students. We can model the behaviors you want your students to demonstrate. We must be humble enough to make mistakes and accept your mistakes to your students. The other example is that the teacher can put the rules together with all the students instead of setting the rules alone. A wonderful classroom environment is developed when teachers and students collaborate to make rules. Rules can be created to address how students are expected to interact with each other, how students are expected to interact with the teacher, and how students are expected to interact with the physical space. Another important behavior management is to identify the personalities of the students, create the class identity. For example, we can entertain the class name in a fun way such as, superheroes, avengers, ninjas..
    Another issue is to reward our students. Rewarding students is a very good case to increase their motivation. If the students finish their homework within the time determined by their teacher, they can play games or watch cartoons in the remaining time. All of these are of great importance to increase students' success and motivation. Some non-verbal signs may be used to avoid distracting other students' attention and motivation. Some of them make shush sign with index finger. Standing in front of the student's desk and waiting until he stops talking, etc. There are also some classroom procedures and students must follow these procedures. The purpose of these procedures is to provide a quiet, peaceful and disciplined classroom environment. Some of these procedures are important; rising fingers and talking, waiting in line at lunch time, giving greetings to friends and teachers when he or she comes to class, waiting calmly not to run in the classroom environment, seeing the teacher as a leader in the class and listening to his or her words. Enabling students to follow these procedures will provide a much better classroom environment.

  As a result, teachers and students determine the rules in the classroom and obey these rules increase the peace and productivity in the classroom. Some rules are a must for class management. In a class without classroom management, chaos and confusion prevail. Confusion and chaos can lead to a lack of good education in the classroom, while preventing students from becoming good individuals in the future. For this reason, there are certain effective rules in classroom management such as,  classroom procedures, effective use of body language, rewarding students for the continuation of good behavior and class rules. The teachers who adopt these rules and apply them in their class gain the trust of the students' teachers and obtain a successful class.

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