16 Ocak 2019 Çarşamba



This is my Udemy certificate:

What is Virtual Reality(VR) and Augmented Reality(AR)? How Can We Use It as an English Teacher?

   What is Virtual Reality(VR) and Augmented Reality(AR)?
   How Can We Use It as an English Teacher?

    Lately we've heard the words Augmented Reality (AR: Augmented Reality) and Virtual Realty (VR: Virtual Reality). Both are new technologies that are still in their infancy. If you want, let’s start with the definiton of VR and AR.
   VR (Virtual Reality) is an artificial, computer-generated simulation or re-creation of an environment or situation in real life. In this technology, a simulated reality is experienced to the user wearing glasses, by stimulating the senses of sight and hearing. Virtual reality creates its own reality, completely produced and directed. You are breaking away from the real world and finding yourself in this fully created world. For example, you can find yourself at some point on Istiklal Street with photographs taken at 360 degrees. Or you can go inside a concert hall with 360-degree cameras. The most interesting thing is that you can find yourself in the games and control the characters you play in the game. Especially with headphones, handheld control devices and even auxiliary equipment such as walking platforms, you can find yourself completely inside the created world.
   AR (Augmented Reality) is a technology that incorporates computer-generated optimized images onto the existing reality and is capable of interacting with them.  In this technology, using mobile devices in a sense that displays the real world is blended. Augmented reality reflects the use of mobile devices such as smartphones, tablets, and digital images such as digital photos and graphics. One of the best known examples is Pokemon Go. At your point where you rotate your camera, a Pokemon appears, adding more elements to your world. Likewise, Ikea also allows you to understand how to look at the products in your catalog by placing them on your mobile application thanks to that paint which you have chose is applied on wall by AR application. Thus, you can decide easily which color fix your home better.
   So, How does English Teachers can use AR and VR? For example, our topic is English Culture and we need to both attract notice them and help them to meet Virtual Reality so that we can take away them a museum to help of the Virtual Reality glasses. Thanks to that we can introduce our students with metarials which they have been used by English community such as books, wares, paintings, clothes. Thus, both students can understand the topic and they make permanent these informations about English Culture.
   So, what about Augmented Reality(AR)? As we know students can be distracted easily so that we can use Augmented Reality for attracting attention. For example, while we are introducing the animals to them, we can make watch them to animals with 3 dimensions, in motion and audible. I believe that this is a very effective way of learning and teaching about persistence.
  As a conclusion, we ought to utilize from technology in every environment especially in technology. If we are open to new ideas, our students will be more curious and enthusiastic. Thanks to that we can teach lessons will be more amusing and permanent. Teachers should use VR and AR in their lessons to become more understandable.

Here is my Augmented 
Reality(AR) examples which I created in HP Reveal Application :


14 Ocak 2019 Pazartesi

Second Life


Second life is a simulation, it is the process of creating a model that can represent the system and this models are called avatars. These avatars can be chosen by users and avatars. The main target of this simulation is create a life which people live and learn. Thus, people can both learn and get fun. Second Life is gather users from the all around the world. It is another benefit for the socialization because this simulation is online. You can login with friends this simulation and you can join a class. It is more important because Second Life provide us e-learning environment. While you are standing at home, you can join your lesson without being at school. It beneficial for saving money, time and comfort. Now, we are creating new methods, techniques and strategies for education. However, technology, computers and tablets are more atractive for students and they live interbedded with them. As a teacher candidate, i believe that teachers should encourage them to what they can do better. They are good at using technology thanks to that we can give the lesson on the technological environment such as Second Life. It can be motivate and encourage them to learn new things. So that in my opinion, Second Life is very useful and promising educational simulation.

This is my Second Life Avatar photo :



    Thanks to the developing technology, learning styles have also changed. People want to learn not only verbal and mathematical knowledge but much more. For this reason, it is very important not to stay in schools only. Flipgrid, which has started its activities in order to spread the education and aims to provide education in every field, has been serving its students successfully for a while with its video and modern education approach. Also, students can respond to other student with video and its provide electronic learning environment.

Here is my FlipGrid link :


12 Ocak 2019 Cumartesi



  Moodle is really helpful material for teachers and students. It is a kind of e-learning platform and it is free for utilizing to everyone. This platform can be found by users easily so Moodle usage is really simple. Moodle accesible is easy and fast so that it is save the time. If we think that point as a teacher or to be teacher, time is realy phenomenon for educators. Using papers, prints etc. They are real waste of time. Instead of preparing this paper quizes or exams, Moodle provides us orginize our exams on the web and sharing with students easily. Thus, teachers can give feedbacks to their students fastly and effectively and students learn their mistakes without negative prescription. Moodle makes us aware how learning platforms can be everywhere and education not limited with schools or clasrooms so that students can learn their lesson everywhere without any guide teacher. In my opinion, education should be everywhere for everyone so that learners access the information or lesson whenever if they want. Moodle provides us it. Thanks to Moodle teachers and students  save their times  and occur the education environment for everywhere and everyone.

11 Ocak 2019 Cuma

Hot Potatoes


   HotPotatoes program is a program that you can prepare a classic, multiple choice test device and transfer website to your website. We can prepare quizes how many if we want and it is useful for improving asking questions. Another good issue is for using Hot Potatoes you do not need to internet conncetion. If you are a place where there is not internet connection and yo get bored, you can prepare some nice quizes for your student J
These are some visiuals of my Hot Potaoes experience:




Padlet is a digital panel where you can add images, videos and destinations to your dreams. You can delete, plan and billboard as you wish. Keeping notes, videos, images, and virtual materials you want to keep on the padlet.

  For which purpose you can use padlet:

To provide a common study area with your students.

Discussion or brainstorming.

To give follow-up to your students.

Add multimedia to the digital clipboard you created.

  Here is my Padlet link:

4 Ocak 2019 Cuma



  Pixton is a cartoon creation tool that allows its users to create awesome comics. Pixton has also a growing community that anyone can access to contribute with their own comics. This tool is very easy to use and does not require any artistic skills to work on it. You can introduce it to your students and let them create their own comics and share them with each other.

    Some features of Pixton

·  It is free for individual accounts

·  It lets users create their own comics

·  It lets you give text and speech bubbles to characters

·  It lets you edit the shape and position of each comic panel

·  It offers unlimited range of expressions

·  It lets you upload your own photos and personalize them the way you want

·  It provides presets, templates, and shapes.

  If you want to check my pixton here is the link:

3 Ocak 2019 Perşembe



What is Socrative?

  Socrative is a free web application that offers an easy and friendly experience to teachers to engage and assess their students. It is a full-featured application. Socrative’s student response system authorizes educators by engaging their class with a number of educational games and exercises. There is simple procedure to login this wonderful app that can be run on laptops, smartphones and tablets. 
   Why Socrative is Preferred?
o   Quick Feedback: Student results flashes on the teacher’s screen as they respond to the quizzes and questions. Hence, teachers can easily visualize what is happening and what students are doing at the moment.
o   Personalized Content: Here educators can edit and design their own library assessments and can also share it with their personal learning network.
o   Reports: Students understanding can be reviewed in different types of format. Reports can be emailed or can be downloaded or can be saved into Google drive.
o   Compatibility: This app is available in for iOS apps, all web-browsers, Windows app, Android apps, Chrome Apps, Kindle Apps making it reachable for every educational technology settings.

    Here is my link which includes Linguistic Quiz:

Also, there are some visiual about using of Socrative:





What is Storybird and how is it used?

  Storybird is a language arts tool. We use illustrations to inspire Members to write stories, and encourage ongoing writing practice with badges and other rewards. Storybird is free to use for everyone. Purchases such as memberships (not sold to students) and printed copies of your own story are optional and not necessary to use the Site.

   All stories in the public library are fully moderated by humans, and public comments are tightly filtered through a combination of human and machine moderation to remove PII, and to foster a positive environment suitable for all ages. Stories written by students are not allowed in the public library.

  Educators onboard students directly by creating accounts or inviting them via class code. They may create and issue assignments, moderate comments, review student work, apply a grade or comment. Educators may choose to run a fundraiser where family members may purchase a copy of their child’s story. 

  Students have access to our curated illustration library and use those images to illustrate their stories. Stories written by students are not allowed in the public library. If the student is part of a class, published stories are shared with the class, any can be commented on by other students in the same classroom. Purchase options are made available so parents can purchase their child’s work as a personal keepsake.

  To foster positive digital citizenship and online dialogue, students may read and comment on stories Regular members have published to the Storybird public library. Students may subscribe to the stories of public members but their stories cannot be seen or subscribed to by anyone outside of their class. 

   Here is my storybird link:

2 Ocak 2019 Çarşamba



   Video podcasts, also called videocasts, vidcasts and vodcasts, combine the audio component of podcasting with visual media. This technology provides a forum for a wide variety of video podcasters, including filmmakers and artists, vloggers (video bloggers), and even those who just like sharing their videos.
   Video podcasting is also helping build business, especially in the sales and marketing sectors. Through video podcasts, businesses both large and small can advertise their wares and services in a modern, cost-effective way. In the past, big businesses had better access to expensive studios where sophisticated advertisements were produced, but now even the smallest businesses can create high-quality media with just a camera, editing software and the Internet.
  Here is my vidcast link which is about Bilingualism :


  Before diving into a lengthy explanation of what a podcast is, let’s look at the word “podcast” itself. First mentioned by Ben Hammersley in a 2004 Guardian newspaper article in which he rattled off possible names for this booming new medium, the “pod” of podcast is borrowed from Apple’s “iPod” digital media player; and the “cast” portion of podcast is taken from Radio’s “broadcast” term. As a matter of clarity, just because it’s named after Apple’s iPod, does not necessarily mean that you have to own or use an iPod — or any portable digital media player for that matter — to enjoy a podcast.


    Okay, with that out of the way, back to the original question: “What’s a podcast?”

     A “podcast” is sort of difficult to explain because there really isn’t anything else like it — but rather, many things that are kind of like it.

    A good starting point, is to think of a podcast as “Internet Radio On-Demand.” It’s similar in that you can usually listen to it on your computer — but it’s more than that. [However, and not to confuse the issue, podcasting isn’t confined to just audio but can be video as well].

     With the amount of content that podcasting provides, regular Broadcast Radio, or “Terrestrial Radio” — as they call it — simply can never compete. The AM and FM radio band only has so many channels. Consequently, radio stations “Broadcast” their content — meaning that they attempt to appeal to as broadof an audience as possible. Because, afterall, this is what advertisers are looking for. But podcasting, by contrast, is not necessarily hamstrung to advertising revenue like its broadcasting cousin. With its specific and specialized content, it is able to “narrowcast” to only those who choose to listen. So while a particular podcast’s audience may be considerably smaller than the audience of a broadcast, one could argue that the podcast’s audience is a much more targeted and interested in the content being delivered. So, in a way, Satellite Radio, with its ability to provide more channels than Broadcast Radio, takes a step towards podcasting — but still does not come close.

   Here is my podcast link:



   Voki is an educational tool that allows users to create their very own talking character. Voki is created by Oddcast and is located in New York City.

   Voki characters can be customized to look like historical figures, cartoons, animals, and even yourself! Give your Voki a voice by recording with a microphone, using our dial-in number, or uploading an audio file. Voki characters can be emailed, shared on social media, and embedded on websites!

    Voki Classroom is a student assignment management system for Voki. With Voki Classroom, teachers are able to control their students' privacy settings. Visit our Products page to see the benefits of upgrading to Voki Classroom.
 Here is my Voki link :


    Kahoot is a tool for using technology to administer quizzes, discussions or surveys. It is a game based classroom response system played by the whole class in real time. Multiple-choice questions are projected on the screen. Students answer the questions with their smartphone, tablet or computer.

   Thanks for this tool we can evaluate our student stuations.
Also, we can use this tool in classroom environment so that we can create a competition between students.
I have prepared a kahoot. I hope this kahoot will help you about mothods of learning a second language.
     Here is my Kahoot link:


Pinterest and Infographic


   Pinterest, Inc. is a social media web and mobile application
company that operates a software system designed to discover
information on the World Wide Web, mainly using images and,
on a smaller scale, gifs and videos. The site was founded by
Ben Silbermann, Paul Sciarra  and Evan Sharp Pinterest has reached 250 million monthly active users as of October 2018.

   An infographic (information graphic) is a representation of information in a graphic format designed to make the data easily understandable at a glance. People use infographics to quickly communicate a message, to simplify the presentation of large amounts of data, to see data patterns and relationships, and to monitor changes in variables over time. 

   And if you want to visit my Pinterest page here is the link:


IMPORTANCE OF DIALECTS    The dialects are called the unknown branches of a language that were separated in ancient times. In ...