Second life
is a simulation, it is the process of creating a model that can represent the
system and this models are called avatars. These avatars can be chosen by users
and avatars. The main target of this simulation is create a life which people
live and learn. Thus, people can both learn and get fun. Second Life is gather
users from the all around the world. It is another benefit for the socialization
because this simulation is online. You can login with friends this simulation
and you can join a class. It is more important because Second Life provide us
e-learning environment. While you are standing at home, you can join your
lesson without being at school. It beneficial for saving money, time and
comfort. Now, we are creating new methods, techniques and strategies for
education. However, technology, computers and tablets are more atractive for
students and they live interbedded with them. As a teacher candidate, i believe that teachers should encourage
them to what they can do better. They are good at using technology thanks to
that we can give the lesson on the technological environment such as Second
Life. It can be motivate and encourage them to learn new things. So that in my
opinion, Second Life is very useful and promising educational simulation.
This is my Second Life Avatar photo :

This is my Second Life Avatar photo :

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